Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thu 2nd Nov Wine Wine Wine

Since there wasnt a huge amount to do in Adelaide and I really only had a day there to explore what better way to get into the ozzy frame of find than by getting drunk!! Went to the Barossa valley on an organised wine tour sampled all the bottles on the counters that you can see in the pictures, so as u can imaginge we were all pretty merry. This is also one of the sites where Jacobs Creek is made hances the signs. We also saw the big rocking horse along the way. This was early on in the day so we werent drunk enogh just to imagine it and anyway i took a photo just in case my eyes were deceiving me. Oh and the picture of the train is of the Overland, i dont knoe who the people in the carriage are and they were probably wondering who the bloody hell i was aswel. Took this train on Fri 3rd to Melbourne which takes 12hours, yes thats right the next city and it takes 12 hours none of this piddily 2hour travelling to the town like back in the UK.

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